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Bikes in Buildings Program


Before you submit your application

  • 1
    The commercial office building must have at least one freight elevator.
    • Ready to Apply?

      Steps to apply online:

    • 1
      Assess the number of bikes to be accommodated in the office space.
      • 2
        Complete a Tenant Request form, linked above, and send it by USPS certified mail, return receipt requested, to the owner or manager of your building.
        • 3
          File the Tenant Request form, linked above, with the Department of Transportation either electronically or by mail to the address below.
          • 4
            Add a USPS certified mail tracking number to the Tenant Request form by following the link above.
            • 6
              If the building owner or manager submits an Exception Request, they must notify the tenant that an Exception Request has been filed within 30 days of receipt of the Tenant Request.
              • 5
                The building owner or manager can either implement and post a bicycle access plan that allows employees to bring bikes into the requesting office's space within 35 days of receipt of the Tenant Request OR submit an Exception Request to the Department of Transportation within 15 days of receipt of the Tenant Request.